February 16, 2025 (Sunday)
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Room 119
$10 per person (includes lunch and a book)
Guest Speaker: Hanna Chung, LMFT
Hanna Chung is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist practicing out of Orange County in Southern California. Her professional experience over the past twelve years includes county-contracted settings as a clinician and clinical supervisor, group private practice, and private practice with individuals and couples.
The seminar is entitled "Reconnected and Restored." Two main principles of the workshop include Reconnected (what areas of marriage have been disconnected and how to find our ways to connect with one another again) and Repair (conflict resolution and repair strategies). So many marriages today suffer from what Dr. Smalley calls "the slow fade," where it's not the big things, such as infidelity and abuse, that break apart marriages, but slowly lacking connectedness throughout the busy years of our lives, as well as the lack of addressing conflict and the repair of conflict over the years. Some of the principles being taught come from the Gottman Institute and Attachment Theory to help identify what gets in the way of connection and what prevents us from appropriately repairing conflict.
There will be a registration fee of $10 per person which will include lunch and a copy of the book by Dr. Smalley. Please sign up by the end of the day on Wednesday, February 12. We hope that you will join us.
We are pleased to provide childcare for this seminar. Please SIGN UP BY CLICKING HERE if you would like to reserve childcare.